#117618 BGE Mini EGG The Big Green Egg Mini is the smallest and lightest member of the Big Green Egg family. It is ideal for camping, or to take on a boat trip or picnic. Or you could just use it at home, on the table, with the EGG Carrier. But let’s be frank here; once you become the proud owner of this EGG, you’ll probably want to take it everywhere you go. Thanks to its low weight, the Mini is very easy to carry. And it’s even easier to carry if you purchase an EGG Carrier for your Mini. If you usually cook for 2 to 4 people, then this travel-friendly lightweight model may just be the Big Green Egg for you. You could also pick it up in addition to a bigger model, precisely because it’s so easy to take it anywhere! The Big Green Egg Mini can be found in many professional kitchens for smaller á la carte dishes
When you combine the ancient Japanese kamado tradition with NASA’s revolutionary ceramic technology, you end up with the perfect contemporary outdoor cooker: the Big Green Egg. Use it to cook, bake, grill, stew or smoke and you will not believe how refined and exceptional the flavours are.
Eating is an emotional event and as such, you’ll love preparing your favourite recipes on your EGG or creating a new dish. Take a moment to enjoy the most delicious things you have ever tasted. Surround yourself with family, friends and those that are dear to you to create unforgettable moments. This is what Big Green Egg stands for.
Whether it’s freezing cold or a real scorcher; you can EGG all year round. So bring on that juicy entrecote, that gorgeous piece of fish with a salty crust, stir-fried shellfish, hearty stew, crusty bread, pizzas with the perfect crust or that mouth-wateringly delicious dessert. Feel like skipping meat for a day? How about preparing stuffed pointed peppers, roasted beetroot soup and bruschetta caprese on your EGG for a change?
Made in: | USA |
Brand: | BIG GREEN EGG |
Grid diameter (cm): | 25 |
Cooking area (cm²): | 507 |
Height (cm): | 43 |
Color: | Green |
Weight (kg): | 17 |